What is EFT Tapping?

Emotional Freedom Technique - more commonly referred to as ‘Tapping’, is a type of meridian tapping that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. It is also referred to as acupuncture but without the needles!

Although it seems fairly new and a bit left-field it has a substantial body of recent research evidence showing its clinical effectiveness in a wide range of settings.

It can help you overcome many issues from healing traumatic experiences, altering limiting beliefs about yourself, to weight loss, body image issues, fears and phobias. EFT works with the body’s internal energy systems. It uses gentle stimulation of the meridians while simultaneously focussing on the current difficulty. This dual attention helps your brain process whatever might be troubling you.

Western science has historically been sceptical of approaches such as acupressure, Tapping and acupuncture. However, recent research has revealed the existence of the primo vascular system corresponding to many of the meridian points. Further, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have observed that EFT can make significant changes in brain function. Most importantly it works by calming the amygdala where our panic response lies. By Tapping and talking we teach this part of our brain that we are not currently needing a stress response. This then leads to a calmer, happier life.

So what does it look like? When working together we will use what is referred to as the Basic Recipe. A series of points from your hand, across your face, chest and top of head. We merely tap those points while either talking, saying simple statements or just noticing how we feel about something.

Each round of Tapping that is done is followed by note taking and noticing any thoughts or feelings that arose. Progressively, bit by bit we work through upsets and fears, struggles and painful memories until you feel happy and confident again.

Watch EFT in action

This short video shows you how to use EFT Tapping during pregnancy. Even if you are NOT pregnant and not planning to use EFT for pregnancy you are still able to see the basic Tapping points and watch how the process works here.